Hiring Commercial Snow Removal Services to Avoid Costly Mistakes

The safety, comfort, and satisfaction of your customer should always be your top priority. With Canada’s nefarious snowstorms, companies need to take extra safety measures to protect their clients, employees, and business. The Winter season in the country often lasts a long time and brings heavy snowfall that can rack up to several feet.


When snow piles up on a commercial property, a business owner has the responsibility to remove them from the site for everyone’s safety. But that doesn’t mean you have to do the snow removal yourself. Instead, you can hire a commercial snow removal company to do the heavy lifting for you.

Five Reasons Why Your Business Should Hire a Company for Snow Removal Services

When Summer starts to wind down, companies need to start preparing for the cold snowy winter. During these freezing months, there are several things that you need to do to keep your business safe from cold weather hazards. One of these is to look for snow removal services. Some would argue that there’s no need to hire a commercial snow removal company since it will eventually melt after a while. Others prefer to deal with snowblowers, shovels, and de-icing chemicals themselves. But you could avoid costly mistakes if you leave snow removal to the pros. Here are a few reasons why you should call for snow removal services.

1. Your business can stay open during the snowy weather.

No sane person will risk visiting your business if your sidewalks and parking lots are covered in snow. If this goes on for the whole winter season, you could lose a lot of revenue. Not to mention, your business would also suffer from lost productivity if employees can’t get to work. A commercial snow removal company can clear all the snow and help you stay open even after the strongest winter storm.

2. They prevent injuries on your property.

Around 60,000 workers in Canada get injured every year due to slips, trips, and falls. Employers have a responsibility to protect their staff from work environment hazards like slippery ice. They need to implement appropriate measures such as snow removal to keep everyone safe. Moreover, preventing injuries on your property can help you avoid liability and shelling our money for legal and medical costs.

3. They promote cleaner surroundings.

Fresh, white snow looks magical, but it loses its appeal once it gets inundated with footprints and tire tracks. That dirt-mixed snow becomes an eyesore when you leave it to pile up. You need to call for snow removal services to clean up your snow-ravage walkways and driveways before the unsightly scene scares away your customers.    

4. Get high-quality results.

Hiring a professional snow removal company would get you better results than ordering one of your employees to shovel the driveway. Aside from having top-of-the-line machinery and equipment, a commercial snow removal company has teams of expertly-trained workers that know what to do to quickly and efficiently clear your property of snow.

5. Save time and resources.

Depending on the size of your commercial property, it could take you a few hours to remove all the snow. With a professional snow removal company, you won’t have to waste your precious time. They can do the work for you at record speed, so you can focus on your business.

Are you looking for snow removal services in Edmonton? You can count on Pure Landscape Design & Construction to expertly clear your driveway, parking lot, and walkways of snow. We are WCB Compliant and can provide liability coverage for you. Call our number at 780-405-7721 to discuss your snow removal issues and get a service quote today!




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