Smart Irrigation Controllers for Commercial Landscapes

From an expanse of glacial ice, vast surface lakes, and thundering rivers, Canada is lucky to have abundant freshwater. It is said that the country has about 20% percent of the global supply. But as the world struggles with a water crisis, Canadians have a responsibility to guard the planet’s precious resources. That means conserving water and monitoring your daily water usage.

Now, imagine driving across the city in the pouring rain and noticing a golf resort’s sprinkler system spraying water on their ground. Maybe it was set on a timer, and all the staff was too busy to stop it. Nevertheless, it’s a waste of water, energy, money. But avoiding this loss would be possible by using a smart irrigation controller for your commercial landscape. Here, we’ll explain how a smart irrigation controller works, how it can help you, and what to look for when choosing one for your property.   

What Are Smart Irrigation Controllers?

Smart irrigation controllers or sensors are automated technologies that adjust the watering system of your commercial landscape. Unlike its traditional counterparts that operate on a pre-programmed schedule and timers, these advanced irrigation controllers monitor and measure a number of variables.

These variables include:

Plant types and their watering requirements

Soil type and soil moisture

Weather conditions such as temperature, precipitation, and humidity

Sprinkler’s flow of water and application rate

Let’s return to the example mentioned above. If the golf resort looked for landscape services that included smart irrigation systems installation, they would have a better irrigation system. The controllers could sense the rain, adjust the system, and stop or reduce the water released from the sprinklers.

What Does It Do for Your Property?

Some landscape services install smart irrigation controllers to keep the property always green. But while a traditional irrigation system can do the same job, a smart irrigation controller does more. One of the main reasons for commercial landscape damage is overwatering. But since this new system can monitor and measure various variables, the plants in your property will receive the right amount of water at the right time.

These controllers or sensors also provide property owners with better overall control. Your commercial landscape will not only look beautiful and healthy, but you will also be able to reduce water waste and save money. Some smart irrigation controllers and sensors can even alert you if you have any leaks in your system. It could automatically shut off the water supply in the event of a pipe breaking, saving you thousands of dollars in your commercial landscape budget.

What Should You Look for in Commercial Smart Irrigation Controllers?

Of course, not all landscape services offer the same smart irrigation system. You need to know what to look for to choose the best controller for your commercial landscape.

To help you make the decision, here are some factors that you need to look for and consider:

LEED Certification – If the irrigation controller or the company that manufactured it is certified by the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), you’ll know that it’s built with energy efficiency and conservation in mind.

EPA WaterSense Label – Another label to look for is the EPA WaterSense Label. It’s placed on products that have been rated and certified to conserve water.

Real-time access – When you’re always busy doing other important tasks, monitoring the irrigation system seems like something that would be at the bottom of your to-do list. That is why you need to look for a smart irrigation system that provides convenience and real-time access and capabilities.  

Since you want to upgrade your irrigation system, you will need the help of a professional landscape company to get the job executed well. Commercial landscape property owners in Canada can count on Pure Landscape Design & Construction for cost-effective irrigation solutions. Contact us today and we’ll transform your property into a vibrant green landscape while helping you save money, time, and energy.


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